Tips on How to Make Your Relationship Stronger

Many have mistaken the real definition of relationship. A relationship is actually more than just physical attraction or shared interests. It is not just simply a true love. It takes more than that to really make the relationship work; more so, make it stronger. There are many relationships that failed at the end of the day no matter how in love the couples may seem. Most likely, it isn’t how you want your relationship to end.
Every couple wishes and hopes that in the long run, they are the ones for keeps and you are no exemption to that desire. To know more about spicing your relationship up, here are some tips that might help you in doing so:- Know that there’s no such thing as perfection. Some people tend to treat their relationship as perfect kind, however, we must bear in mind that there is no such thing as that. Yes, there is a happy relationship, but that must be worked on by both of you. With that being said, you must also accept each other’s imperfection to really make your relationship work. Obstacles are always there--- big or small. The key to surpass it all is to fight with it together.
- Appreciate your partner’s effort. You must learn to value the efforts your partner has done. No matter how small that effort is, your partner’s attempt at trying to make your relationship better must still be valued. By just showing small yet sweet gestures like a pat on the back, a kiss on the cheek or forehead, or a hug can be of a great move.
- Give each other space. Every couple in a relationship needs time to be away from each other too. Even if you are a couple, it doesn’t mean you have to be together every minute of the day. Giving each other space doesn’t also mean you two will break up. It simply means a time which allows each of you to spend time on your own and focus on your needs as an individual. The distance might give you the time to think about how to improve one’s self or your relationship.

- Respect that space. When your partner asks for it, never hesitate. If he or she needs time to be away from you, especially after darker days, give it and respect it. It helps your partner to think clearly and make better decisions about your current situation or even in life generally. Keep in mind that you have to respect your partner as a person as well. Certainly, this applies to you too.
- Work on your problem together. When you are in a relationship, always overcome the challenges together. The word ‘we’ is really important. Every problem must be resolved through a joint action. Surpassing a problem alone will only result in blaming each other. If you’re facing it alone, then why are you staying in that relationship?
- Don’t let the spark die as time goes by. It might be a bit corny, but maintaining the sweetness can help a relationship grow fonder as time goes by. Sweet gestures like giving your partner cards or love letters randomly remind both of you that your love is meant to be shown not only through luxurious things but even in the simplest way possible. That’s how a relationship must work.
- Have fun together. The saying goes ‘laughter can light up a sad atmosphere’ also applies in a relationship. Given that, it is a must that you have to enjoy quality time together. It can be sharing jokes or new experiences. You may also listen to your partner’s embarrassing stories and laugh at each other’s clumsiness. These instances allow you to breathe and relax especially if you are going through serious complications.
- Be each other’s number one supporter. Always be happy with your partner’s success and vice versa. If you want to improve your relationship, do not dwell oftentimes on negativity. Never be pessimistic, as long as your relationship benefits from what he or she wants.

- Daily physical affection is a must. This doesn’t mean you will show PDA (public display of affection) at all times. You have just to be direct as to how you show your love to one another. You may hug or kiss your partner as he or she leaves for work, or when you guys part ways after spending time together. Good morning and good night messages also count. Thus, make it a daily routine.
- Always ask for the apology when you commit a mistake. According to psychologists, long-lasting relationships are those that used to practice the three A’s: apology, affection, and action. This can be shown by asking for an apology when you make a mistake, be affectionate about your explanation and make a resolution by showing it through actions.
- Don’t let negativity fog your relationship up. When you argue with your partner, you shouldn’t tell the right to his or her face all of the shortcomings and flaws that one has. It is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. You can tweak your criticisms by focusing on the positive side of the story and improve it eventually.
- Allow yourself to be strong. For the last part, allow yourself to be strong in times of difficulties. However, do not push your lover away. Allow yourself to be principled and strong and let your partner help you in resolving that situation. Let him or she hold your hand while surpassing the trouble together.
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